Psychological Studies of Art and Artists

The Psychology of the Muse — Where Do Creative Ideas Come From?

The Hidden Dangers of Relying on AI for Mental Health Support

Healing Through Performance: The Transformative Power of Theater and Dance

The Intersection of Art and Mental Health: How Creativity Influences Therapy

The Role of Music in Memory and Emotional Regulation

Dreams and Creativity: Unlocking the Unconscious for Artistic Inspiration

The Art of Holding Space: Balancing Empathy and Self-Preservation

The Toll of Work Stress on the Body—And Why We Need to Rethink the 40-Hour Workweek

Healers Need Healers Too: The Vital Importance of Support for Mental Health Professionals

Creativity Across Cultures: Lessons from Global Artistic Traditions

Creativity and Wellness: Exploring the Deeper Connection

Navigating Post-Holiday Depression: Reclaiming Joy Through Creativity

Why We Need to Reimagine Afterschool Programs

Creative Rituals for the End of the Year: Reflect, Recharge and Redirect

Navigating Uncomfortable Conversations with Grace: A Guide for Mental Health Professionals, Creative Thinkers, and Artists (AKA everyone!)

The Psychology of Nostalgia: Navigating the Past During the Holidays

The Mental Health Benefits of Gratitude: A Nuanced Approach

The Intersection of Depth Psychology and Creativity

Self-Soothing Techniques