Why We Need to Reimagine Afterschool Programs
Throughout neighborhoods across the country, a troubling pattern unfolds daily. As school buses pull away, countless students quietly retreat to their homes, often spending the evening in isolation. Meanwhile, at local schools, students engaged in afterschool sports programs are visibly thriving—connected, confident, and part of something larger than themselves.
This stark contrast highlights a pressing issue: why are non-athletes often left with fewer afterschool programs? Structured activities provide students with critical opportunities to build teamwork, persistence, and creativity. Yet, for many, these opportunities are limited to sports, leaving a significant portion of students behind.
It doesn’t have to be this way. We can ensure every student has a chance to thrive academically and as individuals by incorporating the arts and other creative outlets into afterschool programs.
Read the full article from Josh Doyle, Educational and Therapeutic Consultant.